Tuesday 15 April 2014

Great Family Friendly Movies of 2009

Here are the all about BEST family friendly movies of 2009 These are movies that you can't go wrong with for both kids and adults together. These are great movies you can enjoy over and over again with your kids. If you lost one, be sure to keep an eye out for when it is released on DVD and snatch it up fast. Each one of these family favorable movies for 2009 will be desirable addition to your family movie set.
The Princess and the Frog
The individuals at Disney have come up with distinct classic here with their first and long over due animated story featuring an African American heroine. You will feel like you are watching a story line similar to Little Mermaid at times, but the persona are credible and ones you will cheer for. The best audience for this movie is girls at middle school age and younger.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
A bit corny at times, okay a lot corny, but kids loved this movie. It is based on the children's book by the same name and succeeds at all levels. This animated screen version is funny and moves at a fast pace. It is based on the unlikely event of food coming down as rain. The visual effects are great as well.
Hannah Montana: The Movie
What child doesn't know about the hit Disney TV show Hannah Montana? Well in this full length feature film all the characters are brought to the big screen. It is a heart warming story of a young girl (played by Miley Cyrus) coming of age and searching for herself. With lots of horses, and a country setting this musical family comedy is filled with family values and is enjoyable for kids of all ages and their parents.
This is an originative 3-D animated comedy adventure brought to us by Disney. It is about a group of specially trained guinea pigs that are used by the government for top secret espionage. The characters are fluffy and engaging as they go about using all their modern spy gear and device. The movie is clever, fun for all ages and finishes with a great message.
Ice Age: Dawn of The Dinosaurs
This is actually the third installment of the Ice Age movies with a new, fun and lovable character being introduced. If your kids saw the earlier Ice Age Movies this will be enjoyed as well. The animation is great and who doesn't love a movie with dinosaurs.
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
Kids sure seem to love it when museum characters come to life after the doors are closed. In this sequel we are taken to the Washington DC Smithsonian museum where once again the museum exhibits come to life. Silly, witty and with charming characters, this movie is highly fun for kids of all ages.
This very successful animated adventure film is my favorite for the whole year. It teams up Disney and Pixar and somewhat maybe will become Pixar's best film to date. The persona is entertaining, the tale is well written, and the animation and graphics are brilliant. It is packed with amusing lines that have both kids and adults enjoying and laughing together. Even though it is just an animated film, it will have you re-evaluating your life at the end.