Thursday 27 March 2014

Announce Of Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Movie

When J.K Rowling was writing the first novel of Harry Potter Saga, she never had the slightest idea that this work of hers would turn out to be the most popular and awaited saga of the whole world. Rowling wrote it keeping in mind the interest and concern of children, but now it has become the most anticipated sequence among people of all the age groups.
The viewers really comprehended and liked the previous five movies of the Harry Potter series. Moreover they go through criticism too. Now the expectations and hopes of the people are very high as the sixth part of this exhilarating and exciting sequence known as Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince will hit the cinemas in countable number of days.
The producer and the director of the movie are very expectant for its success. The reason is the exciting and fascinating story of this part; filled with action, suspense, mysteries and interesting scenes. This movie has no reason to undergo failure on the Box Office. In the past, a lot of people were dissatisfied after watching it's prequels; according to them, the movies did not cover the all the primary events of the story, and the scenes seemed to be mismanaged.
Those movies were also criticised for the fact that if someone had not read the book he/she could not understand the story. On the other hand, this time the makers are confident of its success because in their opinion all the most anticipated events have been added in it.
This movie was about to release in November 2008, but due to some marketing problems, its launch was held back. Now it is going to be released in July 2009. Preparations have been completed and the count down has begun for the excited viewers.
People are expecting a lot from the movie. In the opinion of most of the people this movie will be the biggest hit and success of the year. There are lots of scenes in this thrilling movie which are highly awaited by the fans. Harry's romantic feelings towards Ginny Weasley, fight of the students of Hogwarts with the Death Eaters (force of Lord Voldemort) and Severus Snape killing Albus Dumbledore are the fascinating scenes which make the movie more remarkable and magnificent than the rest of its prequels.
After watching the striking and awe-inspiring clips of the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, the excitement and passion among the people has doubled. Most important quality of the upcoming new movie of Harry Potter Saga is that it is enclosing all the invigorating major events and happenings of the book. Use of wonderful and breathtaking special effects and cameras has made the interesting scenes much close to the reality.
Now with only few days to go before its release, the makers of the movie and all the fans have crossed their fingers for the memorable success of this spectacular sixth part. Thus, don't miss the chance to watch this wonderful movie with your family and friends in the cinema. Make your summer more enjoyable by watching it.